Brian Ndung'u

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Journalist, Digital Marketing Specialist and Content creator

Maximize your online potential: 5 Secrets to a Website that converts

People’s perceptions of a company’s credibility are said to be primarily based on the appearance of its website, according to statistics. Meaning for your business to succeed, it has to follow a set of web designing principles. To achieve this, you must create a website that visitors will want to visit, interact with, and return to by keeping your target audience in mind. After all, a website with excellent conversion rates finds the ideal mix between usability and aesthetics. Whether or not design is your area of expertise, you cannot afford to ignore it. You can either engage a designer on staff, hire a freelancer, or educate yourself on web design fundamentals. Just make an effort to create a website that converts well! So, do you wish to take your business to the next level and increase website conversions? We have compiled the best tips just for you. Long-tail keywords…

Why online listing is good for your business

In this digital era, online listing are important to business owners because they come with a complete package. They let users quickly discover, research, and get in touch with businesses that are pertinent to them. By their subscription, they not only serve as entries for your craft and trade but also help customers find you online and in real life. Besides that, they also carry simple pieces of information; that is vital to your business, such as; Name, Address, Phone number, Website, and hours of operation. This information gives customers the core knowledge they need and their interests. So, do you want to score some bonus points and amplify your online business? Here’s why your listing will pay off: Get featured on Google Through SEO techniques, it is likely that you can get a higher ranking on the top page of Google, although results may not be visible for a…

Manufacturers in Kenya

manufacturers in yellow pages kenya online directoty; Textile and apparel manufacturing, Food and beverage, Paper and board manufacturing, Automotive sector, Metal and allied, Pharmaceuticals medical equipment sector, Leather products and footwear manufacturing, Timber, wood and furniture sector , Energy and electrical and electronics manufacturing, Chemical and allied sector, Plastic and rubber manufacturing, Building, construction and mining.
